How to take care of a cute kitten? (Cat World)

Planning to adopt a cute kitten? Or just thinking of doing so? There’s nothing better than the feeling of having a cute-faced fluffy fellow. The bright Eyes of cute kitten mesmerize the viewers.  You just cannot avoid this adorableness.  However, raising a kitten comes along with a lot of responsibilities. Kittens need a lot of care, affection, and parenting tips to live a healthy and balanced life. In other words, growing a kitten is not less than raising a human child. It is necessary to provide the cute kitten with an adequate diet, training, and above all, a well-balanced exercise/walk routine from their young age. So the ball of fluff can grow healthy and become a well-behaved adult cat.

When to adopt a cute kitten?

Having a tiny fellow is indeed a blessing. However, it is wise to consider some basics before. If the little fellow had very little interaction with humans, the best age to separate a kitten from its siblings and biological mother is when the cute kitten is about 10 to 12 weeks old. (4.5 human years) On the other hand, a 6 to 7 weeks old kitten is suitable for adoption.

Before the adoption, make sure the cat you pick has an attitude adjustable to all your family members. For instance, if your family loves to have a playful and affectionate cat, never go for a shy or catitude one.

Pre-kitten preparations

Before bringing a kitten home, make sure to do some Pre-kitten preparations.  Most importantly, carefully remove the items she/he may chew or choke on. We don’t want our fellow to be sick. Before introducing the fellow to her surroundings, keep pencils,  paper towels, pens, tissues, rubber bands, and balloons out of its reach. Make sure to visit the vet before bringing the cute kitten home. After that, have a diet recommendation for the fluffy fellow.

If you already have a pet, it’s wise to introduce the new sibling after the vet visit.  So there is no chance of getting any viruses.

Limit the interactions

A new cute kitten might take up to two weak to adjust to the new environment. Meanwhile, you should limit the human and other pet interaction. Do not overcrowd the kitty’s place with multiple humans and pet interactions. Let the cute kitten relax first. Most importantly, let her explore her environment thoroughly to become familiar with it. After that, introduce her to family one at a time. So she can learn everyone’s touch.

If there are kids in your family, make sure to teach them how to treat a kitten. The furballs are delicate and need a gentle touch. Do not let the kids be harsh on them. Teach them how to hold kittens. So the little fellow doesn’t get scared or panic. Teasing a kitten is a big no-no. Above all, kids under 5 years old should not handle the cute kitten unsupervised.

24-hour food availability

A kitten almost has three times more energy than an adult cat.  They are more playful. As a result, they need a lot of nutrients.  Feeding 2 times a day is sufficient for an adult cat’s health. But this is not the case of tiny cute kittens. At the age of 2 to four months, the little fellow proliferates. In other words, this is the time when the kitten starts to explore the world on its own. Cats are natural predators, and at this age, the cute kitten mostly spends its time in running and jumping.

Consequently, a kitten’s need for food and energy is three times more than an adult cat. Be sure to provide the kittens with the food that is specially formulated for them. About 30% of their energy comes from food. Therefore, you have to provide your cute kitten with an adequate diet three or more times a day. Be sure the kitten has easy access to fresh water all the time. If you have a cat that is less than a year old, serve it with dry food and a combination of canned food.

Never treat your kitten like an adult cat

Just as a mature human has different needs and priorities then a teenager human, similarly, the needs and behavior patterns of a cute kitten are distinct from an adult cat.  To sum up, a fully grown-up cat might act differently than a kitten who is in its early development stages. Do not push your kittens to act like an adult cat. Besides, you should consider the fact that the kitten is still learning, and you have to observe her behavior. To clarify, do not expect her to behave like a well-trained adult cat.

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